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RMG Research, Inc. is a public opinion research firm founded by Scott Rasmussen. Our services include ground-breaking Counterpolling® and Surround-Sound Messaging™, amplifying the voice of voters in a way unlike any other polling company in the market. In addition to standard public opinion surveys, RMG was contracted by the Napolitan Institute to conduct the first ever surveys of the Elite 1% along with groundbreaking surveys of federal government managers. Learn more about our services and our Gold Circle Membership by filling out the form below.


RMG believes that asking the right questions and properly interpreting the results is the key to any successful research project. Unfortunately, many public pollsters continue to ask questions and interpret the results from the perspective of a Georgetown cocktail party. That’s a perspective few Americans share developed in a language that few Americans speak.

RMG’s Counterpolling™ technique is a system for asking questions in the language of everyday Americans. This approach surfaces the gaps—often huge—between the political elite and the nation they are supposed to serve.

Our Counterpolling™ service begins with a systematic review of existing public polling data. The RMG Research team then considers the issues from a different perspective (there’s always a different perspective). Comparing our results—both the similarities and the differences—with other data provides a data-driven foundation for analysis that serves as an antidote to inside-the-Beltway groupthink.

The Counterpolling™ technique was developed by RMG President Scott Rasmussen.


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