Scott Rasmussen National Survey
of 1,000 Registered Voters
Conducted April 4-5, 2023
1* Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Biden is performing his job?
18% Strongly approve
27% Somewhat approve
15% Somewhat disapprove
38% Strongly disapprove
2% Not sure
President Biden Job Approval Ratings
2* Are most Americans too trusting of government or too skeptical of government?
21% Much too trusting
30% Somewhat too trusting
20% Somewhat too skeptical
10% Much too skeptical
13% The balance is about right
5% Not sure
3* Generally speaking, how often do you trust the federal government to do the right thing?
6% Just about all the time
27% Most of the time
40% Only some of the time
26% Rarely or never
1% Not sure
Date | Just about all the time | Most of the time | Only some of the time | Rarely or never | Not sure |
April 4-5, 2023 | 6% | 27% | 40% | 26% | 1% |
July 26-28, 2022 | 8% | 23% | 39% | 28% | 3% |
4* Okay… who do you trust more when it comes to establishing major regulations: government agencies and policy experts or voters and their elected representatives?
28% Government agencies and policy experts
51% Voters and their elected representatives
22% Not sure
Date | Government agencies and policy experts | Voters and their elected representatives | Not sure |
April 4-5, 2023 | 28% | 51% | 22% |
July 26-28, 2022 | 24% | 52% | 24% |
5* How worried are you about free speech being used to spread disinformation and fake news?
35% Very worried
42% Somewhat worried
13% Not very worried
8% Not at all worried
2% Not sure
Date | Very/Somewhat worried | Not very/Not at all worried | Not sure |
April 4-5, 2023 | 77% | 21% | 2% |
April 28-30, 2022 | 64% | 30% | 6% |
6* Which worries you more: disinformation and fake news or the federal government deciding what information and news should be allowed?
36% Disinformation and fake news
58% Federal government deciding what information and news should be allowed
6% Not sure
Date | Disinformation and fake news | Federal government deciding what information and news should be allowed | Not sure |
April 4-5, 2023 | 36% | 58% | 6% |
April 28-30, 2022 | 28% | 59% | 13% |
7* Does the federal government regularly promote disinformation and fake news to promote its own agenda?
51% Yes
27% No
23% Not sure
8* How confident are you that you can recognize disinformation and fake news when you see it in the media?
21% Very confident
52% Somewhat confident
19% Not very confident
3% Not at all confident
5% Not sure
9* Are most Americans able to recognize disinformation and fake news when they see it in the media?
26% Yes
50% No
24% Not sure
This Counterpolling™ survey of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen on April 4-5, 2023. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. Certain quotas were applied, and the sample was lightly weighted by geography, gender, age, race, education, internet usage, and political party to reasonably reflect the nation’s population of Registered Voters. Other variables were reviewed to ensure that the final sample is representative of that population..
The margin of sampling error for the full sample is +/- 3.1 percentage points.
This survey was paid for by RMG Research, Inc. as part of the service provided for our Gold Circle Members.
Conducted by RMG Research, Inc. April 4-5, 2023
Margin of Sampling Error: +/- 3.1 percentage points